Lyricsen - Druckversion

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RE: Lyricsen - Anador - 19.06.2017

Hinweis zwei:

Zitat:You and I can't decide
Which of us was taken for granted
Make amends
Some of us are destined to be outlived

RE: Lyricsen - Anador - 20.06.2017

Hinweis drei:

Zitat:Undo these chains, my friend
I'll show you the rage I've hidden
Perish the sacrament
Swallow but nothing's forgiven

RE: Lyricsen - Asery - 20.06.2017

(20.06.2017, 12:53)Anador schrieb: Hinweis drei:

Zitat:Undo these chains, my friend
I'll show you the rage I've hidden
Perish the sacrament
Swallow but nothing's forgiven

Slipknot - The Devil in I

Weiter geht's:

Even though I know what I'm lookin' for,
She's got a brick wall behind her door.

RE: Lyricsen - Anador - 20.06.2017

(20.06.2017, 20:02)Asery schrieb: Slipknot - The Devil in I


RE: Lyricsen - Derpate - 20.06.2017

i'd travel time and confess to her
but I'm afraid she'd shoot the messenger

every word every thought every sound

müsste billy talent surrender sein
leider hab ichs verpennt zum konzert zu fahren

RE: Lyricsen - Asery - 20.06.2017

(20.06.2017, 21:04)Derpate schrieb: i'd travel time and confess to her
but I'm afraid she'd shoot the messenger

every word every thought every sound

müsste billy talent surrender sein
leider hab ichs verpennt zum konzert zu fahren

Ding Ding Ding, richtig!

RE: Lyricsen - Derpate - 20.06.2017

so extra nen song rausgesucht, den der twaron auch kennen könnte

you can keep your love from me just like you were a miser
and i'll admit it wasn't very smart

RE: Lyricsen - Kryphos - 20.06.2017

Du hast schon iwie n Schaden, oder? :O

RE: Lyricsen - Derpate - 21.06.2017

Immer diese rhetorischen fragen Tongue

RE: Lyricsen - Derpate - 21.06.2017

So I went out to find myself a guy that's so much wiser
And he told me the way to win your heart